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We Proudly Support these Missionaries...

Nodaway-Holt & West Nodaway Schools

Nodaway-Holt and West Nodaway Schools

We support the success of our students, teachers and staff. We love our schools!

North Burma Christian Mission

North Burma Christian Mission exists to reach out to the peoples of Asia with the Kingdom message of reconciliation to God through

Jesus Christ. We envision millions in Asia being eternally influenced for Christ through multiple outreach ministries.

Christian Campus House - NWMSU & MSWU

To make fully devoted followers of Jesus and equip them for Kingdom life, in a loving Christian community. We are a group of people striving to live a life that makes an eternal impact wherever we're at.

Deaf Missions exists because only 2% Deaf people around the globe have been introduced to Jesus. That means 98% of Deaf people have yet to experience salvation in Him. It is our vision to see the lives of Deaf people transformed and impacted through God’s Word in their native and heart language – sign language.

Deaf Missions
Shiloh Christian Children's Ranch

The mission of Shiloh Christian Children’s Ranch is to provide Christian homes for abused, neglected, and other children and to meet the spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs of each child.

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