~who we are~
The Skidmore Christian Church has been around for over 100 years and has always had one basic goal in mind; we want to live and love like Jesus. We are a non-denominational church, which means that we operate independently of any higher governing body. Trusting God to guide us we: select our own Pastor and other church leaders, determine how to spend the offerings that are given, decide which missionaries to support and pursue our vision for impacting our community.
If you would visit us on a Sunday you would see a mix of cars, pick-ups and mini-vans in the parking lot. You would hear the sound of excited children singing, playing, reading and responding to questions during their Sunday School Class and Children’s Church. You would smell hot coffee and fresh donuts as the Adult Sunday School Class got settled around the tables for their lesson. And you would feel the warmth of a welcoming handshake and friendly greeting before we settled into the pews for a worship experience that brings us closer to God.
We are not perfect people. We are forgiven people who are still works-in-progress and we welcome other imperfect people to join us as we journey together toward heaven. We read and follow the Bible as a God- inspired collection of instructions, insights and wisdom from Him to us. We pray like everything depends on God and work like everything depends on us; knowing that the truth lies somewhere in-between. We believe that the hope of the world is still the local church loving God, loving other people and sharing the good news of Jesus when he said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish but have everlasting life.”